Wednesday 17 December 2014

Peringatan Hari Natal dalam suasana Perang Dunia ke-2

A helmeted GI Santa Claus handing out presents outside field hospital during WWII, even in 90 degree heat. December 25, 1943. Seorang Sinter Klas memakai helm baja sedang bersalaman dengan prajurit marinir amerika yang terluka. foto LIFE.

Soldiers and Christmas tree

Military Policeman of the Polish Army in the East standing on sentry duty near to a Christmas tree in the Polish camp, doubtless thinking of happier Christmas times. 

A Sherman tank with a Christmas greeting painted on its hull, Benghazi, 26 December 1942.

Christmas in the Ramu Valley, 1943
ID Number: 062771
Maker: Stuckey, Norman Bradford

Ramu Valley, New Guinea. NX103434 Captain F. D. Smith, dressed as Father Christmas, arriving at one of the wards of the main dressing station, 2/6th Australian Field Ambulance, in a jungle cart (Thompson Stretcher), drawn by a jeep, to distribute Christmas presents to the patients.

Sinterklaas, a traditional winter holiday figure in the Netherlands and Belgium, arrives in Rucphen, a town near Roosendaal (The Netherlands). Normally Sinterklaas arrives on a white horse but this he uses a Sherman-tanK.The photo was shot during wartime, 6 December 1944. Source: Imperial War Museum.

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